“A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.” message when expanding a folder with many subfolders in Internet Explorer 8

Version: R74.5

Article ID: PE000171

“A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.” message when expanding a folder with many subfolders in Internet Explorer 8main image


The message may be displayed in Internet Explorer 8 when expanding a folder which contains many subfolders.


The message “A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.  If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive. Stop running this script?” may be displayed when expanding a PVE folder with many subfolders in Internet Explorer 8.  If the No button is clicked, the page will finish loading and the folder will expand. If the Yes button is clicked, Internet Explorer will stop running the script (and appear to hang).

Steps to Resolve:

  1. A detailed description and automatic fix can be found in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/175500