In the hospitality industry, being able to centralize data and documents can help tremendously when it comes to improving efficiencies. Not only do hotels need to run reports at months end, but there are reports that need to be run daily. They must reconcile the books nightly to make sure money isn’t being lost or stolen. Usually, all of this tracking and reporting is done manually from separate systems and can be time-consuming and error-prone. myDigitalOffice has designed automation solutions to help the hospitality industry eliminate these manual processes.
Working with a custom applications programming interface (API) in ImageSilo®, myDigitalOffice was able to develop two modules designed specifically for the hospitality industry to eliminate manual processes. The modules are called myPerspective and the Paperless Night Audit. Together, or separately, both modules can increase the efficiency of any hotel, helping them eliminate manual processes while reducing costs.
Today myDigitalOffice provides services to more than 400 hotels and 40 management companies. With a business plan that focuses on providing solutions to the hospitality industry, business is booming. According to Ali Moloo, the CEO of myDigitalOffice, “There is a lot of guest-facing technology in the hospitality industry, but the back-office functionality is really underserved. When we show a client how much time and money eliminating manual processes can save them, they are blown away because they weren’t even aware it could be done a better way.”
Does this sound like a solution your organization could take advantage of?