knowledge Base

PaperVision® Capture

PaperVision Capture brings an unprecedented level of efficiency and power to information capture. Work with everything, implement any custom process you want and track any statistic you need.


5 articles found
When attempting to validate or activate a job in PaperVision Capture, the following validation error is displayed: All paths leading from start steps must be valid (1 exists, none are valid)

Any value that contains a leading zero when used in a .csv file is stored as text because those values when stored as integers would remove the leading zeros. (i.e. 0608 would display as 608).

When setting up an export for the PaperFlow data group format, how should the Department ID and Department Name be configured to avoid duplication of data group ID numbers?

When setting up an export for the ImageSilo/PVE XML data group format, how should the Company ID and Company Name be configured to avoid duplication of data group ID numbers?

After selecting the scanner in PaperVision Capture’s Scanner Settings, one of the following errors is displayed: Unable to initialize scanner: Scanner hardware problem, check scanner and paper feeder. Unable to initialize scanner: Can’t locate SCSI device; check cable and power.

5 articles found