knowledge Base

PaperVision® Capture

PaperVision Capture brings an unprecedented level of efficiency and power to information capture. Work with everything, implement any custom process you want and track any statistic you need.


4 articles found
In PaperVision Capture, batches appear to be not transmitting from the Operator Console, and Application Event logs contain “Unable to read Packet Header” errors.

This article explains how to use priority settings in PaperVision Capture Enterprise to effectively manage batch processing and to maximize operator productivity.

When a user attempts to create a new batch in the PaperVision Capture Operator Console a message that states there are no available licenses is displayed. This may happen when using Named licenses even if the licenses have been authorized and assigned to a specific machine.

In some scenarios it may be helpful to increase the size of the buffer used to transfer files across the network. This can be accomplished by adjusting the DSI.DataTransferAgent.Service.exe.config found in the \Digitech Systems\PaperVision Capture directory.

4 articles found