knowledge Base

PaperVision® Enterprise

Control access and increase information security using a simple, searchable Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system. Enable automation and tracking of business processes throughout the information lifecycle.


26 articles found
When trying to attach a document (Add New Document) through the PaperVision Enterprise client, and the file size is over 200 kb, the process seems to hang. Files less than 200 kb can be attached successfully.

When logging in to the PaperVision Enterprise web client, many of the windows, icons and text descriptions are very large, and some elements may not fit on the screen despite meeting the minimum screen resolution (1024x768). When checked on another workstation, everything looks normal.

As of 6/14/2011 Microsoft released a critical update (KB2530548) for Internet Explorer 9 that addresses the issue stated below, and manually adding a registry key may no longer be required.

Also, PaperVision Enterprise version R75 no longer requires this registry change.

When a user attempts to use PaperVision Enterprise ActiveX controls, such as the document viewer, workflow viewer, and administrative controls, Internet Explorer 9 appears to lock up and can only be closed via Task Manager.

Enabling extended Full-Text search options will display the following options when executing a full-text search: Variable Term Weighting; Stemming; Phonic; Fuzzy and Synonym Searching. NOTE: refer to the PaperVision Enterprise User Guide for more information regarding each of the options listed above.

When a user attempts to import a packaged data group the following error is returned: Error -28000. No import file was specified in the package information.

If a project in PaperVision Enterprise has too many index fields, users will have to scroll down to see all of the fields when performing a search in the thin client. There is a way to modify one of the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files to show all of the index fields at one time, and eliminate the scrollbar.

To have all of the Administration functionality (create report manager jobs, workflow definitions, etc), users must install the Administration Controls first. Without the controls only limited administration functionality is available.

During the installation of the PaperVision Enterprise Document Viewer Controls, the following error is displayed: “Error 1324: The path my pictures contains an invalid character”

A user tries to log in to PaperVision Enterprise, but when connecting to the website they view the following...

Document security levels allow specific documents to be viewed only by certain users/groups. A common way to implement document security levels is to create a lockdown level that secures all documents. Additional levels are then created to grant access.

26 articles found