Error -28000: Unable to locate image file

Version: R78

Article ID: PE000204

Error -28000:  Unable to locate image filemain image


Users may receive an error message similar to the following when attempting to open/view a document from the search results:

The server returned the following error information:
Function LoadDocInfoEx.pvtCachePageRange.CachePage.PVDMSystem:
Error -28000; Server01 was unable to locate file


This error message usually indicates that the image is missing from its data storage location.   This can be verified several ways:

  • A PaperVision Enterprise (PVE) administrator (either global or entity-level) can submit the data group ID noted in the error message for validation. A Maintenance Queue operation will need to be configured under Automation Service Scheduling to process the validation check. While PVE may be configured to email notifications when the validation completes, the Maintenance Logs will also detail whether the validation failed or was successful. All failed validations include a list of any missing image files for that data group.
  • If Windows permissions allow for it, browse to the physical location of the data group referenced in the error message. If the image is missing, the data group will need to be reloaded.
  • If the image does exist, check the path of the data group and how it was loaded into the system. Digitech Systems recommends using UNC paths to shares, as mapped network drives are not supported.
  • If the path looks correct, verify that the user logged into Windows has the appropriate security rights to the data location.

The following steps can be used to determine the exact location of a missing image file using this error message as an example:

Error -28000

Server01 was unable to locate image file


  1. The data group name/ID is displayed in the square brackets. Note the data group name from the above example: ABCD0001
  2. After the data group name, the path from the ‘root’ of the data group is displayed. This path includes the file name: ABCD0001\IMG1\0001\0001001.TIF
  3. Login to the PVE Admin Console as an administrator
  4. From Administration, open Manage Data Groups
  5. Sort the data groups list by the Original Name column. Locate the data group name from step 1: ABCD0001
  6. Once found, note the Path column and the exact path to the ‘root’ location. For example: \\Server01\PVE_Data\ENT1\ABCD0001\DATAGRP
  7. Combine the path in step 6 with the path from step 2 to get the full path to the missing image file. Using the previous examples: \\Server01\PVE_Data\ENT1\ABCD0001\DATAGRP\ABCD0001\IMG1\0001\0001001.TIF
  8. From Windows Explorer, browse to the location and verify that the image file exists.

If it does exist, make sure it can be opened outside of PaperVision. If it cannot be opened, the file is corrupt and needs to be restored from backup. If it can be viewed, verify permissions to the file, as it is possible for Windows permissions to become corrupted or removed on specific files and folders. If the file is missing, either re-import the applicable data group or re-scan the image.