How To Create a Bookmark that Retains the Entity ID

Version: R66

Article ID: IS000005

How To Create a Bookmark that Retains the Entity IDmain image


This article outlines how to create a browser bookmark and a desktop shortcut that will retain the desired entity number even when the entity field is not available to the user at login.


ImageSilo and PaperVision Enterprise contain special URL parameters that are understood by the system as a request for a specific entity.

To create the bookmark and shortcut:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Browse to your PaperVision Enterprise URL or the ImageSilo URL The URL address will transition and end with "PVE.aspx."
  3. Append "?entid=<entity number>" to the end of the URL address (e.g.,
  4. From the Internet Explorer Favorites menu or button, select Add to Favorites.
  5. If the Add a Favorite dialog box appears, you can change the bookmark name (if desired), and then click the Add button.
  6. To create a desktop shortcut, right-click your bookmark in the list of Favorites, and then select Send To > Desktop (create shortcut).