How To Simulate a Scanner in PaperVision Capture

Version: R70

Article ID: PC000028

How To Simulate a Scanner in PaperVision Capturemain image


Often it is necessary to simulate a scanner to demonstrate or test functionality. This article demonstrates how to simulate a scanner using a directory of image files and the Digitech Systems Image Spewer.


The Digitech Systems Image Spewer is an application installed with PaperVision Capture that can simulate the functionality of a physical scanner.

To configure the PaperVision Capture Image Spewer follow these steps:

  1. In the Operator Console, take and open a batch in a Capture Scan step.
  2. Open Scanner Settings from the Scanner menu.
  3. Select DSI ImageSpewer in the Scanner Name field.
  4. Click the Properties button.
  5. In the Primary Image Path field, choose a directory containing scanned images, such as TIFF or JPEG files.
  6. In the Time Between Images field enter a value in milliseconds. Note that a 120 page-per-minute scanner can be simulated (simplex) with a value of ‘500’.
  7. Check the Loop Files box to continue using the same images over and over. This will allow a directory with 10 images to produce an unlimited number of images per run instead of stopping once all images have been used.
  8. Click OK.