ENX Magazine has selected Nathan Schwenke, Vice President (VP) of Customer Support at Digitech Systems, as a 2023 Difference Maker. This award recognizes individuals for extraordinary contributions to their employers and the information management industry.
Gain a better understanding of microservices and microtransactions-based billing and how they are impacting the way information management services are developed, sold and purchased.
Not familiar with microservices and microtransactions-based billing? Keep reading to learn how even more cost-effective information management is coming with Digitech Systems helping lead this major shift in the way consumers buy technology.
How can automating routine information management tasks benefit your organization? Learn about robotic process automation (RPA) and Digitech Systems’ latest advances that include microservices-based RPA that results in big savings.
Prepare for a flexible future. This Workflow Magazine article from our own Christina Robbins delves into an exciting technology development. Learn about microservices and microtransactions-based billing. Save millions in wasted tech spend!
Feel like you're failing at managing your school’s information?
How can you cut costs, protect and speed access to your school’s records? Use an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system to digitize and manage office records and student and staff files electronically. Protect sensitive information and save on operating expenses.
An important message for entrepreneurs. Been thinking about applying for an incubator or accelerator program to help grow your startup? This article features 9 business leaders who share 9 considerations when choosing between an incubator and accelerator program. Helpful advice!
Job related stress is at an all-time high; whether it be from employees facing too many tasks or employers losing time and money to slow processes. What if automation could help you? This article from our own HK Bain, offers three things to focus on when considering automation at your business.
How Can Intelligent Automation Help Streamline your AP Department?
What if you could reduce the amount of time and money your organization spends on manual accounts payable (AP) processes? No matter the size of the organization, every company has bills to pay, but manually processing invoices is time-consuming, unsecured, and subject to errors.