Path not found during Image Files Only export

Version: 7.00

Article ID: PF000067

Path not found during Image Files Only exportmain image


When you receive an Error 76 while trying to export to Image Files Only from PaperFlow, you need to verify that the index fields being used to generate the filenames (and folders) do not have any invalid Windows characters that cannot be used when creating a filename or folder.


Check to make sure you are not using any of these characters (  / : * ? ” < > | ) in the index field because these are invalid filename characters for Windows. Windows will not allow you to create a file or folder that has any of these characters in the filename. If you strip out the invalid filename character from the index field that you are using to name the tiff files and re-export the data group, the export should run fine. (Also ensure there are not any blank values in that index field. )