Unable to initiate PVE Database when wanting to connect to PaperVision Capture using SQL Server Authentication

Version: R70

Article ID: PC000005

Unable to initiate PVE Database when wanting to connect to PaperVision Capture using SQL Server Authenticationmain image


When attempting to connect to the SQL Server database using the PaperVision Capture Setup Tool for the first time and wanting to use SQL Server Authentication you receive the message: Unable to initiate PVE Database.


This error is caused by the database server authentication not being set to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.

Following these steps should resolve this issue:

  1. Login to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. In the Object Explorer right click on the name of the server and select properties.
  3. In the Server Properties window, select the Security page and ensure that “Server authentication” is set to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
  4. Click OK to save your changes, and then click OK to the message notifying you to restart the SQL Server.
  5. Restart the SQL Server service by right clicking on the server name and selecting “restart”.
  6. Attempt to re-connect PaperVision Capture to the SQL Server database.

Note: You can also connect PaperVision Capture to SQL Server using Windows Authentication mode by making the necessary changes to your SQL Server Environment.