User receives a “No Available Licenses” message when they attempt to create a batch in the PaperVision Capture Operator Console.

Version: R65

Article ID: PC000058

User receives a “No Available Licenses” message when they attempt to create a batch in the PaperVision Capture Operator Console.main image


When a user attempts to create a new batch in the PaperVision Capture Operator Console a message that states there are no available licenses is displayed. This may happen when using Named licenses even if the licenses have been authorized and assigned to a specific machine.


When Named licenses are added to PaperVision Capture, it is possible to manually type in an incorrect machine name. Launch the PaperVision Capture Administration Console and select Licensing (under Global Administration). Verify the computer name entered in the Named License field matches the computer name found by right-clicking Computer and selecting Properties.