
How Would Digitizing Your Organization Benefit You?

Woodstock Hospital is saving money while saving lives with PaperVision® Enterprise and PaperFlow. Their patient records management case study is an inspiring paperless healthcare story, highlighting the significant cost savings and efficiency benefits of a Digitech Systems’ solution.

What if you could streamline operations and improve security of your records?

Looking to make the switch to digital records and automation? Read this story to learn how IBPI was able to digitize, secure and streamline operations to better serve their vendors and partners.

Are You Looking to Start Scanning Immediately?

PaperFlow helps organizations streamline their document management processes by easily scanning, indexing, and organizing paper documents into electronic images. Making your data more accessible and easier to manage in a cost effective electronic format. This product sheet is full of all the information you need to learn how PaperFlow can help you start scanning paper documents immediately.

For their implementation of PaperVision® Enterprise

Nucleus Research has selected Woodstock Hospital as an 18th annual Technology ROI Award winner for its implementation of PaperVision Enterprise and PaperFlow™. This award recognizes companies whose skillful deployment of IT solutions has produced a positive, bottom-line financial return on investment (ROI).

How can digital records and automation improve patient care for hospitals?

See how Woodstock Hospital streamlined patient care with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Digitech Systems in this case study overview video.

How can you evolve from consultant to solution provider?

Learn how offering the PaperVision® product suite enabled this business owner to evolve his business from selling print hardware services, to providing high caliber clients with comprehensive A-to-B, creation to destruction, enterprise content management (ecm) solutions.

Are you looking towards the future of business problem solving?

Document Options Ltd. became the forefront of the business automation movement in the UK, with the ability to customize offers for any industry department need.

Partnership Enables Automation of Core Business Processes

Reseller opportunities expand with new high-speed Epson scanner certifications, enabling automation of core business processes for any sized business.

How Can Digitech Systems’ Complete Product Suite Help Your Organization Grow?

Casey Associates, Inc expanded their customer base and business with advanced solutions from Digitech Systems!

Are You in Control Over Who Has Access to Your Customer’s Sensitive Information?

See how RMMI, a Digitech Systems reseller, was able to increase the security of their customers’ files with ECMNOW!